Where is mercury retrograde
Whatever affects your emotions will come into your experience with evident repetitive patterns. Focus on solitude and be mindful about your communication and emotional expression. Your suppressed emotions will be highlighted this month. This transit can make you filter your friend circle and put more emphasis on self-worth.
Lots of old friends, neighbours, and coworkers could also pop up, hoping to catch up. Just remember, when life gets stressful as it is apt to do during a retrograde, your time and energy are valuable, so invest it wisely.
Take extra precautions on loose talks from your end as it may hurt someone. This phase will make you focus more on yourself and your needs. Big goals could also be a primary focus now. The messenger planet moves backward through your network for the next three weeks, making it more likely that old friends, colleagues, people you met on a group date in — suddenly reappear.
They might want to collaborate or talk about shared long-term goals that could be achieved through teamwork. It might be time to revamp an aspiration that is no longer serving you, rethink how you can at best form better leadership qualities. Uncertainty can cause anxiety. Watch out for unnecessary overthinking about the future, rather focus more on re-assessing your beliefs.
You may get interested in attaining some sort of higher or occult knowledge. In short, the astrological timeframe doesn't have to suck, and knowing what not to do during Mercury retrograde can help ensure that's the case. Keep reading for six tips to help make that happen. Making a big purchase? You might want to wait. Since Mercury rules communication, a retrograde can cause contractual agreements to get muddled. Brace yourself for last-minute cancellations, traffic jams, travel-plan changes, and last-minute mishaps.
Expect a lot of, "that's not what I meant Knowing that going in can help you remember to give people the benefit of the doubt and avoid getting upset when you might normally be triggered.
Be prepared for Zoom to fail mid-meeting and for phones to lose service unexpectedly. Better safe than sorry! Bowles says Mercury retrogrades are great for self-reflection, but returning to past situationships or karmic partners may not be the way to get the healing you desire. What do you still have to learn from them? Similar to signing a contract, now is not a great time to start a new project or dive into any other novel plans.
Instead, pick up a project you previously set down, whether it's a book you're writing, blanket you're knitting, or anything else. Although Mercury retrograde isn't a great time to make huge changes, it is ideal for reflection. A central theme surrounding the first Mercury retrograde of the year, which starts on Saturday, January 30 , is staying on top of correspondence. This retrograde is fueled by the unique spirit of Aquarius. This humanitarian sign, which is ruled by innovative Uranus, also has an aloof nature and can forget to text or call back, even with the help of messenger Mercury.
When the communication planet goes backward, we're more likely to space out and forget to respond to an important email or leave a lover hanging. However, Mercury is happy in this sign. The logical and intellectual air sign nature of Aquarius will help us step back and stay calm during any communication mishaps.
This summer's Mercury retrograde moves backward through Gemini, starting on Saturday , May Because Gemini's ruling planet is Mercury, this retrograde will be more intense than others, especially for those with heavy Gemini placements in their charts. As Gemini is an epic flirt, not only does this retrograde signal a return of the exes, but we might even sext the wrong person.
Make time for meditation and therapy to keep your head on straight; don't screw up a healthy relationship because you're horny and your ex is in your inbox. Use this Mercury retrograde, which ends in Gemini on Tuesday, June 22 , to get organized and express gratitude to those who you truly care about and who care about you.
Then, Mercury spins backward in Libra on Monday, September 27 , for its final retrograde of the year. In , every Mercury retrograde takes place in an air sign, so you really have to make sure you're being present in your relationships during these time periods. Air signs can forget to text you back on a good day, let alone while Mercury is in reverse. Libra is the sign of partnerships and balance, so this period marks another time in which old flames may reappear.
Remember, a long-term healthy relationship, or even a promising crush, is not worth the brief adrenaline burst of sexting with someone that you shouldn't. Mercury retrograde in Libra ends on Monday, October Use these weeks to layer on the self-care and to take social media breaks to focus on yourself and your loved ones. Communication is a huge part of our daily lives, so when the messenger planet goes reverse, major issues are to be expected. But it's important to remember that while retrogrades can be annoying and cause some mishaps, they're not the end of the world.
Swift-moving Mercury goes retrograde three or four times per year, so you've been through it before plenty of times, and will get through it this year, too.