Spore how many stars systems are there

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User Info: nonexistinghero. User Info: HeWhoYerfs. There's easily thousands or at the very least hundreds , and though you could in theory visit them all it'd take a very long time and you'd never be sure you didn't overlook one star in one spiral arm somewhere.

User Info: Zaishi. Five How do you pick up prostitutes? I drive next to them and they just yell profanities at me. User Info: TrenchcoatFlash. Scratch that. There are , stars Averaging 4 planets per star, that is almost 2,, planets. However, since the gap between each star is so huge, features are simply grouped with the closest star, so there is no set distance. One famous star system would be our own, the Solar System. In Spore, you cannot traverse your own star system until you have built a UFO.

Will Wright has suggested that most star systems have between four and five planets or other celestial bodies, although more may be possible. While star systems with multiple stars are possible, they are classified as Galactic Objects and are not all that common though they appear to be in greater numbers the closer you get to the center of the galaxy.

Viewing the star system from the UFO, you will be able to see the star in the center, and the planets orbiting around the outside. By moving the mouse over the planets, you can scan them to see what types of life they have on them, what atmosphere etc.

The Spore Galaxy , most commonly referred to as The Galaxy , is the spiral galaxy in which the Spore games are set, and forms the main playable area in the Space Stage. It contains 41, visitable Stars , all with orbiting planets. The galaxy is seen through the Galaxy View, which can zoom out to see progressively larger portions of it.

The Spore Galaxy is an unbarred spiral galaxy with five arms extending out from the Galactic Core , a supermassive black hole at the center of the galaxy; the galaxy contains many other black holes all of which are connected wormholes , along with other less common galactic formations such as Nebulae and Proto-Planetary Disks. The most common features, and the ones that make up most of the structure of the galaxy, are regular stars.

Most stars are within the galactic arms or close to the Core, but some can also be found away from the main disc of the galaxy, far beyond the reach of even Interstellar Drive 5.

There are three main types of stars available - red dwarfs , yellow stars , and blue giants , which will appear separately or in binary pairs containing mixtures of stars. The , or so planets in the galaxy all have their own star systems. However, since the gap between each star is so huge, features are simply grouped with the closest star, so there is no set distance.

The most noticeable features in star systems are planets. Many of these planets are inhabited, although most planets are barren with no life until you begin terraforming it. Some planets also have moons orbiting them. The image above shows Mars in Spore. The image above shows Titan in Spore. Titan is shown as an active world, with oceans, spice volcanoes, and rocky outcrops. In the background is Saturn, which its ring system visible. The Spore version of Saturn is very much redder than its real counterpart.


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