Oracle what type is sysdate
The syntax is simple. It extracts the system date which is the current date and time as shown in the local system or laptop where the Oracle database is installed and the same is returned in the output. So in this example we will see the current date of the system in which the database is stored.
We are going to use a select statement with a dual table. Dual table as we know is a one-row one-column table present by default in the oracle database. Let us create a simple query for it. In order to do that we will see an example in which suppose the date of birth of a person is 12 th April After converting we subtract them and then divide the whole difference by as there are days in a year and TRUNC function which is a built-in function helps us to return the year.
As we can see in the above output screenshot the YEAR is returned in the output after the function is executed successfully. Let us create a query for this scenario. This query shows the current date, and the difference between the current date and Jan 1st in days, hours, minutes, and seconds.
We have multiplied the day difference by 24 to convert to hours, and then by 60 to convert to minutes, and then by 60 again to convert to seconds. Rather than updating this table, we run a command to alter the session. The parameter has now changed to show the date in the same way, but then show the 24 hour format of the time. More information on these functions can be found in my guide to Oracle date functions.
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